Höegh Autoliners shares are traded on the Oslo Stock Exchange main list under ticker “HAUTO”.

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Höegh Autoliners (HAUTO) issues in total 190,769,749 shares.

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You can find the largest shareholders in Höegh Autoliners by visiting “Largest shareholders” page.

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To see current and historic share prices, please visit the “Share Information” page.

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To see the full list of analysts who cover HAUTO shares, please visit “Analyst Coverage” page.

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You can find the dates of historical and upcoming investor events by visiting the “Financial calendar” page.

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To see the latest reports and presentations, please visit the “Reports and Presentations” page.

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The registrar manages Höegh Autoliners’ share register on behalf of the Company. The registrar is responsible for ensuring dividend payments, and can provide information about shareholding in Höegh Autoliners. Höegh Autoliners use DNB to manage the registrar.
VPS registrar contact information:

P.O. Box 1600, Sentrum
0021 Oslo
Telephone: +47 23 26 80 21
E-mail: kua@dnb.no

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You can register for the AGM by physically filling out the paper form or registering electronically on the AGM page. More information about registration can be found inder the AGM section.

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The approved dividend amount is announced in connection with quarterly results reporting. The dividend amount is subject to approval of the Board of Directors.

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You can find information about historical dividends on “Dividends” page.

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Höegh Autoliners targets to distribute quarterly dividends to shareholders of around 100% of cash generation after amortization of debt facilities, capital expenditure and payable taxes. Any declaration of dividends will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors considering also the outlook and the Company's financial position. Dividends will be declared in USD and paid in NOK.

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Please contact the VPS Registrar to alter bank details related to dividend payment.

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