Investor Relations Policy
Höegh Autoliners´ investor relations policy describes our guidelines for communication with shareholders and the financial market. We seek to conduct an open and continuous dialogue to ensure good basis for the financial market in evaluating trade in the Höegh Autoliners share.
Our main communication channels for share relevant information are stock exchange notices, the company´s web site, quarterly reports and presentations and direct dialogue conducted by designated employees.
Höegh Autoliners publishes financial results on quarterly basis in accordance with it´s financial calendar. The financial calendar is published annually and updated when needed.
Silent period
Höegh Autoliners will not participate in meetings, conferences nor direct dialogue regarding financial results thirty (30) days prior to publishing of the quarterly results.
We comply with the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of 1 July 2019 and applicable rules and regulations for listed companies.