§ 1 - Company

The company’s name is Höegh Autoliners ASA. The company is a public limited liability company.

§ 2 - Office

The company’s address is in Oslo.

§ 3 - Activities

The company’s object is to operate ships and be engaged in other economical activities, including participation and financing in other companies.

§ 4 – Share capital

The share capital amounts to NOK 2.823.392.285,20, divided into 190.769.749 shares, with a nominal value of NOK 14,80,- fully paid.

§ 5 - Board

The board of the company consists of 6 to 12 directors, according to the annual general meeting’s decision.

§ 6 - Signature

The chairman and a board member sign jointly or the chairman and the CEO sign jointly on behalf of the company.

§ 7 – Nomination Committee

The Company shall have a Nomination Committee.

§ 8 – General meeting

The general meeting shall deal with and decide on the following matters:

  • Approval of the income statement and balance sheet, and the declaring of dividends if any.
  • Any other matter which pertain to the general meeting by virtue of law.

§ 9 – The Securities Register

The company's shares shall be registered in the Norwegian Central Securities Depository (VPS)

§ 10 – Electronic Voting

Shareholders may cast their vote in writing, including through the use of electronic communications, for a period prior to the general meeting. The board is entitled to set further guidelines for such advance voting. The notice convening the general meeting shall state which guidelines have been established.